blueberry blueberry Welcome to Our Country House at Blueberry Pond

When our parents announced that they were moving to Cape Cod in 1992, we had no idea what a difference it would make in our lives and that of our families. We immediately saw what a treasure it was and began to use it as a gathering place for the extended family during long weekends and for our summer vacations. The first time we came, our young children apparently thought it was just another rental and expressed dismay when we suggested they leave some of their toys behind. When we explained that they would be coming back often one child beamed with understanding, "You mean it's our country house?" Thus a name was born.

Our children have grown up at this house and cousins have become friends. We all have fond memories of July 4th game tournaments, hot days in the pond, luscious meals cooked over the grill, and the view of the sunset from the deck. Now that our children are teenagers and our parents have moved year-round to Florida, we still meet here often, but the house is often uninhabited. This is why we can now make it available to you during free weeks in the summer. We hope that you and your family will enjoy it as much as we do and that develop your own fond memories.

M and M


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